The new AsTrE website has the ability to share your NEWS items with other AsTrE Members and the rest of the world. Every member who registers to claim their profile also get a free contributor account. This means that you can publish news to the AsTrE website to be shared in the weekly news letter with other members. SO CLAIM YOU MEMBERSHIP PROFILE PAGE TODAY. Follow the instructions on this page

Free Quality SEO Backlinks

Not only can you share your news but you can also embed free high quality back links to you own site into your news items and profile. As time goes by and the site get more and more high quality content these backlinks will have more and more value. to the members of AsTrE.

This feature is only available to members, another benefit of you AsTrE membership.

Guide Lines for Good Quality Posts

We are currently accepting any content from members but the guidelines for good quality posts is

Please follow these rules.

  1. Only 1 back link per article.
  2. Minimum of 600 words.
  3. Well written in English with good grammar and spelling.
  4. Topic must be project management or management related.
  5. You must own the content you post.
  6. The content must be unique i.e. not published elsewhere.
  7. Must include a good quality featured image for which you have the rights to used (without a featured image our homepage looks awful).

So claim you profile and share your NEWS now.

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