Project Management – More than Qualifications
Project Management is not a new concept, it has been around since…well forever. The pyramids were not built by accident and nor was Stonehenge. It is however only in recent history that the practice was given a name, with key dates like:
1917 when Henry Gantt created the Gantt Chart
1957 when The Critical Path technique was developed by Dupont
2001 Agile was codified as a project management style
2017 the Association of Project Management (APM) were awarded the Royal Charter
With the Chartered Project Professional (ChPP) designation now in place for all project professionals to aspire towards, training and development in the arena has never been more in demand. Here at AsTrE, we have a collective understanding that to develop project practitioners effectively, the correct training environment before, during and after the training needs to be put in place. As such, we have an agreed charter (create link) that focuses on 9 key areas that uphold the highest of training standards and our clients can all rely on and trust in.
One of those 9 standards is Subject Matter Expertise. For AsTrE members, our training is more than just getting people through an examination. Although passing an examination first time is a key KPI for all AsTrE members, we also place equal importance on developing people so they truly understand the theory and how that relates to their day-to-day job. This belief ensures that our client’s investment in their employees delivers an individual benefit, but also raises the internal standard and therefore results in a benefit to the business.
The importance of qualifications in any profession are undoubtable, but it shouldn’t be the sole focus. Having an instructor who can add value to the theory, provide context and real-life experience delivers a huge amount of value to any training intervention.
You can trust in the AsTrE Charter.