2020 Project Management Training Market Trends Survey
It’s time to re-run the AsTrE market trends survey and examining body evaluation survey again.
1) Has the market picked up since the election?
2) What is happening to day rates?
3) What’s up and what’s down, is PRINCE2 still declining?
4) Is APMG still the best exam provider?
5) Has the APM recovered their customer feedback score?
6) Is People Cert continuing to improve?
I think the results will be very interesting this year.
Please complete the survey here https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1sG6i30pg0Z1FVNokbZyC9SvKnKUPQFaV7XWDDBZ2FF8
It will only take 2 minutes and the result will be shared and discussed at our next meeting on the 20th March.